As an Accounting Professional, you dedicate a lot of time and effort in to making intricate financial decisions. Accountants collect and store more sensitive personal information on their clients than most any other business. A data breach that causes exposure of client information could lead to damage claims, compliance costs, loss of business, and damage to the firm’s reputation that may take years to rebuild. Only one small mistake can cost your business thousands if not millions of dollars.

Also, technological advances in the Accounting Field are happening at warp speed.  With these advances come many emerging exposures. Some examples of some risks common to accounting firms are:

  • How much and what types of financial data you store.
  • What type of advice you give.
  • Whether you have clients in your building or all interactions are digital.
  • Inaccurate tax returns, bad investment advice, or other mistakes could lead to a professional liability lawsuit.
  • A fire at your business could cost thousands in repairs and lost income. Do you have your data backed up off-site to prevent losing this data.

Technology Errors and Omissions Insurance, Cyber Security Coverage, Information Security and Privacy Liability Coverage are all coverages that are necessary for all accounting businesses. These Technology specific policies are part of an overall insurance policy every Accounting Business should have in place. Agents at Technology Insurance can specialize a Business Owners Policy (BOP) for accounting, finance, and tax professionals. They have the skills and expertise to help you fills the gaps in the coverage of your accounting business. We shop technology insurance so you don’t have to.



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